Wheelchair accessible hotel rooms Side,  wheelchair accessible excursions and wheelchair accessible activities options for wheelchair users and other disabled as Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired in Side

Wheelchair Accessible Holiday Side

Wheelchair accessible hotel rooms Side, wheelchair accessible excursions and activities for disabled as Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Speech Impaired or wheelchair user in Side

Wheelchair Accessible Holiday Side

Wheelchair Accessible Holiday Side

Wheelchair accessible hotel rooms Side, wheelchair accessible excursions and activities for disabled as Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Speech Impaired or wheelchair user in Side

The word "Side" means "Pomegranate". Its history goes back to the Hittite civilization. It is said that "Side", one of the oldest settlements in Anatolia, was founded in the 7th century BC. "Side", which was under the influence of Hittite, Pamphylia, Persia, Pergamon, Greek and Roman civilization respectively, has become a very important portcity.

Tourists visit Side region, which is one of the touristic centers of Antalya, in every season of the year. For this reason, you can relieve the tiredness of whole year in Side, where there are many hotels. There are many historical bridges, temples and ancient city ruins that wheelchair users and their families will see. You can spend one of the most beautiful holidays suitable for wheelchair access in Side.

Side Antique City: Side Antique City was first under the sovereignty of the Lydians and Persians. Later, Alexander the Great took over here and remained under the sway of the Macedonians. The city has a large entrance surrounded by columns, and the ancient city, consisting of the agora, has a large open-air theater. The Monumental Fountain, one of the most important fountains of antiquity, is also located here. You can easily visit Antique Side with your wheelchair.

Side Museum: An ancient roman bath in the ancient city of Side has been converted into a museum and has created today's Side Museum. The museum is wheelchair accessible museum. It is one of the top places to visit in Side. Many sarcophagi, statues and coins from Roman and Byzantine are exhibited in this museum. There are also many columns and sculptures in its garden. This museum  which is suitable for wheelchair access, will give you the opportunity to witness its history.

Apollon Temple : This temple, dedicated to Apollo, the god of art and beauty, is one of the symbols of Side. It affects those who see columns and architecture. It has managed to survive until today with all its glory, preserving its originality. The Temple of Apollo and its surroundings are designed to be accessible for wheelchairs to easily visit.

Side Theater: Side Theater, located in Side Antique City and has hellenistic structure and Roman architecture, has three floors. Wheelchair users can only see whole theatre from the columns in the middle floor. However, they cannot go upstairs or go to the stage due to the architectural structure of the theater. Even in this case, they will admire the acoustics and historical texture of the theater.

Monumental Fountain (Nymphaeum): Twenty-one-column fountain that will meet you at the entrance of the Ancient City of Side is also known as Nymphaeum. Since it is located on the roadside, it is suitable for wheelchair visitors. The decorations and sculptures in the fountain, of which only one of its three floors survived, has been moved to the Side Museum.

Manavgat waterfall : The waterfall in Manavgat Center is suitable for wheelchair users. It is a place where wheelchair users and their families will have a great time and have good memories.

Apart from this, wheelchair vacationers who accommodate in one of the hotels of Side, can easily join the excursions or daily tour for Apendos Theater, Perge Ancient City and Köprülü Canyon and enjoy their holidays.

It is not possible to go to Side City Center by taking public transportation, by accommadating in a hotel in Side. Public transportation is not very suitable for wheelchairs. Here, you can use the wheelchair accessible minivans that MobilityTurkey has, to travel from one place to another in Side or you can rent and drive by your self our wheelchair accessible Fiat Doblo.

Wheelchair Accessible Hotels in Side:

- Barut Acanthus Cennet    - Side Prenses Hotel

- Royal Atlantis Resort    - Commodore Elite Suites & Spa

- Crystal Sunrise Queen Luxury Resort and Spa    - SENTIDO Perissia

- Paloma Oceana Resort   - Trendy Verbana Beach

- Can Garden Resort    - Aydinbey Queen's Palace

- Narcia Resort   - Club Hotel Nena

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